A Self Help Goddess Is Someone Who...

"Secrets to Creating Your Ideal Life" Ebook is Here!

* reads the latest self help books in order to become the best possible version of herself

* uses a variety of self help resources and programs to improve her life in all areas

* strives to achieve a well-balanced, fulfilling, meaningful life

* takes care of her body, eats energizing foods, and gets some form of physical exercise 2-3 times a week

* gets enough sleep every night and takes naps when needed

* dresses stylishly to fit her moods and reflect her individuality

* is always polite and respectful to others, even when it may be challenging

* travels the world to explore a variety of cultures and meet new people

* learns as much about the world as possible

* is always open to and excited about meeting new people

* listens more than she speaks

* focuses on what she wants to create in her life, rather than what she doesn't want to see happen in her life

* supports others in achieving their dreams and creating their ideal life

* never loses sight of her goals and wildest dreams

* gives back to her community by volunteering or being of service in some way

and above all...

* LOVES HERSELF NO MATTER WHAT!!! (especially on those days when this seems nearly impossible to do)

Special thanks to Kimberly Wilson from Tranquil Space Yoga for inspiring me to figure out what exactly a Self Help Goddess is. (Thanks, Kimberly!)

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